Saturday, June 21, 2008

Chapter 7: My Insides Are Copper. I'd Kill To Make Them Gold.

Ryan and Aleks had seemed to hit it off. They were on the love seat, surprisingly close, talking and laughing about god knows what. Brendon was dancing around to some unwanted, particularly aggravating music that he refused to turn off.
"Brendooon." I whined. "Please. Put on some good music. That shit's making me want to kick babies." He pouted as he rummaged through a CD case.
"How about Counting Crows?" I nodded in approval and he played the CD. He took a seat on the floor in front of the couch, "When are you gonna have that baby? I'm tired of you being so cranky."
"You've got about 4 more months of it, Bren. I'm not due 'til December." I laughed.
"Shit. Those things sure do have to cook a while, huh?" Brendon had always been like my little brother, despite the 3 months he had on me.

"Hey! Lovebirds! Not on my couch, kay?" Spencer said, tossing a pillow at Ryan and Aleks who, at the moment, were pretty close to jumping each other's bones. They laughed nervously and slid apart. Brendon didn't even look in their direction, just stared intently at the floor between his legs.
"Bren?" I nudged his shoulder.
"Hm?" He looked up at me. He looked kind of aggravated and I could tell he was trying to hide it. I gave him a questioning look and threw my glance over to Aleks and Ryan. He just turned back to picking at the carpet. I looked up at Spencer who looked completely uninterested, then over to Aleks and Ryan who were back to canoodling.
"Hey. Bren. Do you want to ride up to the store with me? I need Pop-Tarts." I asked, rolling off the couch and grabbing my keys off of the coffee table. Spencer started to protest, but I gave him that look and he shut his mouth.
"Uh. Yeah. Sure." He answered.

"So, what's going on, Brenny?" I asked once we were in the car.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"You're not very good at playing dumb, ya know. What's up?" He just sighed and looked out the window.
"It hurts to see him with someone else." He mumbled.
"Ryan?" He nodded. "Have you told him how you feel?"
"No. It hasn't exactly come up."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I don't really see him all over another guy very often."
"Oh...well maybe you guys should talk. He's not gonna know how you feel unless you tell him."
"It doesn't matter, he obviously doesn't feel the same about me."

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