Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"This is a public service announcement. This is only a test."

Plans for Friday fell through.
Feels like my head did too.
Chances never work out.
Rules are(n't) meant to be broken.
I've been keeping a list of facts.
Updating it everyday.
Keep an eye out. I might toss it up here.

Life is a lose lose situation.
I've recently realized this.
I've been writing things for someone who's never going to see them.
And I'm gonna keep going.
It helps improve my grammar...and such.
Who am I kidding? I'm just making excuses.

Currently sitting here and wishing someone cared more than this screen.

I'm more disappointed than I ever have been and my finger tips can't explain in words how much I hate this.

Been praying to god and hoping he'll answer.
So far I'm being ignored.

Not so sure he exists anymore.
Never was.

Had a Fall Out with a boardie.
Over Tyga.
Because that man is BOSS and she doesn't think so.

These things are only temporary but they seem to last forever.
None of this will matter in 100 years.
I'll forget them in five.

Hope you don't wake up wth headaches and blurry eyes.
Holding your dinner down long enough to get to the toilet.
I kow I do.
Hope you sleep like a baby.
And are as happy as a clam.
I know I am.

Ever realize what oxymorons those analogies are?
Babies don't sleep well and clams live to be steamed and have their prized possesions stolen.

Live and love are only one letter off.
Anger is Danger without the D.

Crying gets you nothing but puffy eyes and a pussy reputation.

Punching mirrors doesn't hurt anyone but you and you.
WIsh I could be your reflection sometimes.

I think I'm making sense but I'm too pilled up to be sure.
Let me know what you think.

Getting used to things that I shouldn't have to get used to.
Apologizing for things I shouldn't have to apologize for.
Lying to people I shouldn't have to lie to.

Jesus himself couldn't help me now.
I'm too far gone to be pulled back.

Love you, kid.


Niki said...

One day things will go right.

Bethy said... they won't.

Niki said...


Niki said...

must I fight with you about this?