Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tell me something worth listening to...

I'm not quite sure why I sit on that hill in the middle of the night. It's dark and scary and I fucking hate how alone I feel up there. But I still go. The wind clogs my brain and I can't think straight. I guess I've got this hope stored away that someone somewhere will be as bored and restless as me and come join me. But I know it's not going to happen. The someones that mean the most live too far away and the someone that lives close sleeps like a normal person...and could care less. Sitting on dark street corners under sicly streetlights get you nothing but a creepy name in the town directory. I get this feeling when I'm out there that something bad's happened there. It feels dangerous. And it worries me. I worry about the people around me. And I think they worry about me a little bit. If they don't, they probably should. And if they do...I wish they wouldn't. The gears in my brain don't turn just right and it's a tricky place to be left in. I get caught up all the time. Tripping on dropped hearts and tangling myself in ungreased wheels. I'm so (ob)scene. This is completely unnecessary and probably makes no sense. I wrote something the other day that I'm going to post later. Keep your eyes open. It'll be better than this. Click clickclick clickclick click click clickclick. I miss you I miss you I miss you. I do I do I do I do. Someone's making my tummy tumble. I should stop click clicking. I'm giving myself a headache. "I know the world's a broken bone. But melt your headaches...call it home." I heart whoever knows what that means.

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