Friday, February 1, 2008

"I was pretty much born in an abortion clinic."

Truth is, it's not too late to be aborted. I'm guessing you're thinking this is about you, like it usually is. But it's probably not. I'ts probably about someone else that's reading this wondering if I'm talking about them. Or I could be writing about myself. It doesn't matter as long as I get the message across.
If you looked up cynical in the dictionary, you'd get a picture of me.
Today I went out and bought a pack of cigarettes just because I could. I don't plan on smoking them.
Your song's still on the radio and I'm still flipping through the stations.
I just gave away who this is about.
Saving my strength for the morning after. There's a pill or something for that, like that.
There's all kinds of names I could call myself, one's that I've called you and one's that you've called me.
"I can't deny that this is mostly my fault."
Today is one of "those days" But so was yesterday. and the day before.
Forgive me for hating you, I hate myself too.


Niki said...

did you really buy cigarretes?

Bethy said...

no. I'm not old enough. But I would if I could.