Sunday, October 5, 2008

...keeping me hopeless til I wake tomorrow...

If I ever sleep.
I really do wish you were here, sis.
I know you're scared.
You tell me all the time.
It's okay, because I'm scared too...

I'm scared for you and for me.
I don't know what five years holds but I hope there's a fate better than what we expect.
If there's a fate at all.
I hope there is, but I've got this feeling...
...this empty feeling in the pit of my stomach that we're not making it out alive.

Call me crazy, it doesn't bother me anymore. I've heard it enough.
But this is what I believe.

Will you listen to my heart and tell me yours doesn't beat stronger?


Niki said...

You will get through bestfriend.

Bethy said...

If you don't recall, you HAVE been wrong before.

Niki said...

I've been right more than I've been wrong in these situations.