Saturday, March 8, 2008

Drown me in this thing called love.

Tonight I laid in the bathtub and let the water rise over my head. Then I held my breath just to see how long I could do it. I held it until I could feel my heart beat everywhere but my heart. It felt like I was going to explode. Like my lungs were going to leap out of my chest in one swift motion and leave me lying there dead. Then I sat back up into reality and realized that that feeling was too good to be true. I was still alive and my lungs were doing fine. Dreams never really do come true, only nightmares. Now I'm laying here trying to go to sleep and sleep is nowhere in sight despite the two sleeping pills I just took. My radio's singing something about saying sorry with a last breath for bleeding on your shirt. Sounds phenomenal. These aren't just bad nerves, this is me on the verge of breaking down. Are you wiling to catch me if I fall.

1 comment:

Niki said...

breakdowns are only temporary.
shattering is a bit worse, but you could still put the peices back together.
Goodness I wish I were still over there.