I'm so bored here. Not at home, or even in this city, but in life. Nothing seems interesting anymore. It's like I've worn out my welcome on earth. There's nothing to do anymore, and everyone's always pissed off at me. I hope this song gets interesting. I don't want to be one of those songs that you wait forever to get interesting and it's jut blah all the way through. I wanna be like Billie Jean or something. I need help. I need out. I need you. "Let's get drunk and drive around, and make peace with an empty town. We can make it right." |
Sunday, January 27, 2008
am I just a sad song with nothing to say?
Strike three, you're out.
"Killing isn't the same as murder." I believed every lie you said. What was your point, did you even have one? You're so good at making me be(lie)ve this shit, and I'm so good at falling for it. But after you fall for long enough, you hit the ground ad that's as far as you can go. I'm full of your 'half-thruths' and 'little white lies'. "Best part of believe is the lie. I hope you sing along and you steal a line." Stop writing songs about me. I never even knew the real you. |
Can you keep a secret?
We're a walking disaster. Walking the plank on a sinking ship. I love how much sense we fail to make. It has something to do with hapilly ever after. You're always so (un)serious. This is what you promised wouldn't happen. "When you're gone I will forget everything about you." |
Saturday, January 26, 2008
You keep calling and I keep hitting silence.
So tonight I'll light that cigarette and pretend to forget I ever loved you. |
yes, of course I'm perfectly content.
Who am I kidding? I'm anything but. I never thought it'd end up like this. Who knew we'd fail at love. They knew, but we didn't listen. "This is true love." This was true love. Something we knew nothing about. Now I'm sitting here listening to your music blare. While you sit in there and listen to me cry. I've always hated Iron Maiden. We're perfectly unperfect. I still love the old us. |
Friday, January 25, 2008
Lovely souls on chopping blocks.
Forget about, live without.
"They'll say it's not worth it, so we'll leave this town in ruins. Living like life's going out of style."
"That thing in your chest isn't beating, it's counting down."
You're dying with every breath you take. We're just living to make legacies and you're one breath away from being history. Inhale.Exhale. Stop.Rewind.Repeat. Back to reality. The buttons are broken on our remote. Won't be long nefore the credits role. |
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Lives are snatched up like quarters on a sidewalk.

Monday, January 21, 2008
I'm in the mindset of murder.
I can't think of anyone I'd rather run through the rain with. It's too bad you're already sick. |
Fingertips on busted lips.
Hands through unwashed hair. We may never be the same. I got you and you got the fame. Kisses on smoke caressed lips. I wish you could see me now. "Stop loving me so much." Your wish is my command. |
Smiles are great.
I miss yours somedays. True fucking gold, love. That's what you were...what you are(n't) You're held in the arms of the stars tonight. You got the hell off this earth and left me behind. And that I cannot forgive you for. I want to whisper in your ear how much I love you. Cry on your shoulder and hold you close. I want to forget about you completely. If only the impossible were possible. Tears are dropping on my jeans as we speak. As I speak. As you listen. This doesn't make sense to anyone but me. "It makes you think about the life you've led, shit you've done, things you've siad, and it's grounding." |
Don't deny it when you're face to face with demons.
Sometimes I wish I didn't love you so much. That way it wouldn't hurt so bad when you turned your back. Never forget about me, I'll never forget about you. I can't deny that this is partially my fault. You're changing with the days. I want who you were two years ago. Not who you are today. You'll always be mine. I'll always be yours. But who we are will never be who we were. I wish you could understand what you've become. I wish you'd stop and turn around. I wish it were possible for me to completely give up on you. "To my favorite liar, to my favorite scar. I could have died with you." |
Love don't mean a thing.
I'm done tripping over dropped names. Take a look in the mirror. Who you are isn't who you were. "Season's change and people don't" You're a perfect example of why that's a lie. You were born for this, darling. The kid was alright but it went to his head. |
Drop another heart.
Break another name. I hate who you've become. I guess loving you created a monster. Keep writing songs held together by undeserving fingers. Who do you think you are? I'm building you up just to watch you fall. After what you've done, dear, that's a fatal drop. Have fun with this my monstrosity. I'm not relying on you to save me anymore. We've broken an unbreakable bond. I still love the old you. |
Where sleeplessness is rest from nightmares.
It's late and my mind needs a break. Sleep keeps shying away from me. I'm too fixated on one thing. I'll lay here and think how much I hate you. Or how much I long for you to fill this vacant space beside me. The sheets are too cold on that side of the bed. And the one's under me are too warm. I'm pushing every word you say under the matress. Smashed agains broken hearts and makeup stained pillow cases. This is me hating the way I love you. |
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I love you in a weird kinda way. It's enough to waste a day.
I've fallen out of love with myself. Rolling eyes every time I pass that mirror. Tongue in cheek. "I wish I could hate you like you hate me." Brush you off, pick you back up. Stop.rewind.repeat. Breaking glass with fists saved for you. It's never felt so good. Paint over that smile. It's fake anyway. I'll sit here and think of me thinking of you thinking of me. Does it make sense? I hate you in a lovely way. How about that? "We're all cliche, but you're the worst." |
Watch you spin.
And you'll never know how much I long to be the smoke in your lungs. Killing you softly. I want to buy you for what you're worth and sell you for what you think you're worth. I'd be a fucking millionaire. Poison in your veins, relief in mine. Pull off the tourniquet. The blood's going to rush to neglected limbs. Killing you softly. Put something about choking in here, I've got too much on my mind. My brain is swimming. I didn't think you'd sink this low, but darling, I'm sinking with you. |
Saturday, January 19, 2008
That's what you get.
Dear my regret. Fuck off. I still love you, but never the way I did. I've had too many bad hands dealt to me. I think I have a card obsession. You throw them in hopes of slicing me to bits. I dodge and they bounce off the wall behind me. You're slow to react. That's what you get. Try again, but not with me. You won't give up, I won't give in. Congratulations, maxamillion, you've succeded in breaking another name. Like I'll never be the same. |
ch-ch-ch-check it out!
I finally got around to getting a blogspot. It may just be a rental, who knows. You're my favorite person. I swear to god. and please, say no to Global Takeover. I'll explain that in a later blog. |